OnCall Prayer

"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." – Ecclesiastes 4:12

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Join us for Bible Study Class on Prayer/Radio Interview

On a scale 1-10, how would you grade your prayer life?  Does God hear your prayers?  Does He answer them? Learn how to pray according to scripture and how to hear from God . ..  on paper. Join us, beginning February 26, for a 6-week class called Prayer Etiquette-Developing a Lifestyle of Prayer.  Location: Harvest Church, 7200 Denton Highway, Ft. Worth, TX 76148 (Watauga) in Room E-208.  www.theharvestchurch.org.  Everyone is welcome! For information, call 817.714.4013 or SharonHill@OnCallPrayer.org

P.S. If you missed my January 14th interview on the U2Have Hope radio program called  How to Hold the Rope for Your Loved One to include Power of a Praying Mother,  simply go to the HOME page on this website and click on the link to hear.  May is speak to your heart today. 

posted by Sharon Hill at 7:17 pm  

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