Are you an Encourager or a Discourager?
As we turn on the TV news, read the newspapers, internet, and social media posts and listen to the stories of our friends and neighbors, even those in our our churches, it is a FACT that we live in a world with much discouragement.
I have a sobering question:Â Are you an Encourager or a Discourager? Webster has a definition for the word encourager – “To give courage to; to inspire with hope; to embolden (to give boldness or courage to.)” Â
As the familiar saying goes . . . “Everyone is either going into a storm, in the middle of the storm, or coming out of a storm.” Amen?
Let’s give the Gift of Encouragement today. Make a phone call. Send a note in the mail. Give a hug. Tell someone you love them.
The Apostle Paul, speaking to the believers in Colosee, sets a great example for us all:Â Â “My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love.” Colossians 2:2
REMEMBER THIS . . . you may be holding someone’s heart in your hands today. Â Make a habit of asking . . . “How can I pray for you today?” Â
May God bless you richly and grant you FAVOR as you are about your Father’s business!